AT3 to AA3 Converter
Preview Status
Discontinued Discontinued
PlayStation Portable (PSP) Microsoft Windows

AT3 to AA3 Converter is a simple Windows tool to convert the AT3 audio files from PMF video files into AA3 format. Then you can use SonicStage or Sound Forge to convert them to .wav etc…

  • First public release
  • Possibility to convert any AT3 audio file in AA3.

Note: AT3 files from PMF video files MUST BE 44100Hz stereo 128kbps!
If they are not 44100Hz stereo 128kbps THIS TOOL WILL NOT WORK!!!

Simple drag and drop (or use the specific button to add) AT3 files from your PC to the application listbox. Then press START PROCESS button to start the conversion.
Output AA3 files will be saved in the same folder of the corresponding AT3 file and named like it.

  • To Cozy.