Quickest Exit
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Discontinued Discontinued
PlayStation Portable (PSP)

Quickest Exit is a very simple PSP plugin to enable the quickest exit from any game or homebrew. In fact, if you enable this plugin, when you press the HOME button for some moments during a game or homebrew the PSP will return to dashboard immediately, with a great time profit. If you press L+HOME the PSP will switch off. Finally, if you press R+HOME the PSP will go in standby mode.

  • Reinserted the HOME menu: now the PSP will return to dashboard ONLY if the HOME button is pressed for some moments, allowing users to use the standard HOME menu.
  • HOME menu substitution with the quick exit (when you press HOME, the PSP will return to Dashboard immediately!).
  • Possibility to switch off and to put in standby mode the PSP with the combination of L and R with HOME button.

If no plugin is already installed:

  • Copy the SEPLUGINS folder (contained in the package) in the root of your Memory Stick.

If other plugins are installed:

  • Copy the QuickExit.prx in the SEPLUGIN folder of your Memory Stick.
  • Open SEPLUGINS/GAME.txt and SEPLUGINS/GAME150.txt and add this line to the files:

Note: after the installation you have to activate the plugin from Recovery Menu!