~~Title: 3.73 POPSLoader MOD ~~
metatag-author=(Red Squirrel)
metatag-keywords=(popsloader,mod,psp,playstation,playstation portable,homebrew,plugin,cfw,custom,firmware,custom firmware,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87)
metatag-description=(A modded version of the 3.71 PopsLoader by Dark_Alex that allows you to load prxs of the new Firmware 3.73)
metatag-og:description=(A modded version of the 3.71 PopsLoader by Dark_Alex that allows you to load prxs of the new Firmware 3.73)
3.73 POPSLoader MOD
Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}}
Platforms |
{{:icons:psp.png?nolink|PlayStation Portable (PSP)}}
Download |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/r91tzdtb9g180b1/3.73_PopsLoader.rar?dl=0|3.73 MOD]]
**3.73 POPSLoader MOD** is a modded version of the 3.71 POPSLoader by Dark_Alex that allows you to load prxs of the new [[wp>PSP]] Firmware 3.73. __3.73 POPS will take the place of 3.72 POPS__.
**Note:** This is "only" a modified version of the original Dark_Alex's POPSLoader, so all rights and merits belong to him!
====== Installation ======
The same of original POPSLoader.\\
To obtain 3.73 prxs you can use [[RSPsar Dumper]] (or M33Psar Dumper).\\
PRXs must be decrypted, so you need to use SQUARE option in PSAR Dumper.\\
Necessary PRXs are the same of 3.72 pops, so: //popsman.prx//, //pops.prx//, //libpspvmc.prx// and //pafmini.prx//. You need to insert them in **ms0:/SEPLUGINS/POPSLOADER/** renamed as //popsman373.prx//, //pops373.prx//, //libpspvmc373.prx// and //pafmini373.prx//.\\
At the end you need to overwrite original //popsLoader.prx// with the one contained in this MOD package.
====== Thanks ======
* To Dark_Alex, the only POPSLoader ideator and creator!