~~Title: CTF Manager ~~
metatag-author=(Red Squirrel)
metatag-keywords=(CTF Manager,ctf,manager,theme,themes,custom,playstation,playstation portable,psp,sony,microsoft,windows,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87)
metatag-description=(A simple GUI for ctf/unctf tools.)
metatag-og:description=(A simple GUI for ctf/unctf tools.)
CTF Manager
Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}}
Platforms |
{{:icons:psp.png?nolink|PlayStation Portable (PSP)}}
{{:icons:windows.png?nolink|Microsoft Windows}}
Download |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvnuyo9e1dowkr9/CTFManagerV500.rar?dl=0|v5.00]]
**CTF Manager** is a simple GUI for ctf/unctf command line tools. With this program you can create CTF theme files directly on your PC, without the need of a [[wp>PSP]]! You can also extract files from a CTF file and install CTF themes in your [[wp>PSP]]!
**Note:** the program will not require a installation, but it requires the [[wp>.NET Framework]] 3.5 (you can download it free from [[wp>Microsoft]] website!).
===== Screenshots =====
Here you can find some screenshots of this app and its features (click on them to see the full size):
{{:ctfmanager:ctfm1.jpg?direct&250|}} {{:ctfmanager:ctfm2.jpg?direct&250|}} {{:ctfmanager:ctfm3.jpg?direct&250|}} {{:ctfmanager:ctfm4.jpg?direct&250|}} {{:ctfmanager:ctfm5.jpg?direct&250|}}
===== Changelog =====
==== v5.00 ====
* Possibility to create CTF themes for CF 5.00M33!
* Possibility to extract file from a CF 5.00M33 CTF file!
==== v2.0 ====
* Possibility to create CTF themes for CF 4.01M33!
* Possibility to extract file from a CTF file made with CXMB 3.2 (ONLY with the "official" Poison CXMB!)
* Now program is all in a single EXE
* If program does not find required folders it will create them automatically!
* Now you can use also CTF custom names that contain spaces.
* Added some security checks (to avoid some NET Framework error messages).
==== v1.0 ====
* Possibility to create CTF themes using only a PC!
* Possibility to extract files from a CTF file (files will be put in EXTRACTED folder)
* Possibility to install easily required PRXs in SUPPORT folder (they have to be put in SUPPORT folder in any case, otherwise program will not work!).
* Possibility to install CTF themes in your PSP
===== Thanks =====
* To my girlfriend for her patience.