~~Title: Deepin Screenshot GUI ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(Deepin Screenshot GUI,Screenshot,GUI,linux,unix,gambas,download,ubuntu,aur,archlinux,deb,debian,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A minimal GUI for Deepin Screenshot.) metatag-og:description=(A minimal GUI for Deepin Screenshot.) metatag-media-og:image=(::deepin:deepinscreenshot-gui.png) }}
Deepin Screenshot GUI | |
{{::deepin:deepinscreenshot-gui.png?direct|Preview}} | Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}} | |
Platforms | |
{{:icons:linux.png?nolink|Linux}} | |
Download | |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/v42lou4sle76fzv/DeepinScreenshotGUI.tar.gz?dl=0|v1.1.0 (BIN)]] |
gambas2-runtime, gambas2-gb-gtk, gambas2-gb-qt, gambas2-gb-form, git, gconf, pygtk, python-xlib, python2
**Note:** //gambas2-gb-qt// is optional, install it only if you need the [[wp>Qt_(software)|QT]] support for [[wp>KDE]].
- Open a terminal and give the following commands:cd ~
git clone https://github.com/lovesnow/deepin-screenshot.git .deepin-screenshot
cd .deepin-screenshot
now insert your root password and continue: echo 'python2 ~/.deepin-screenshot/src/screenshot.py $@' >> /usr/bin/deepin-screenshot
chmod a+x /usr/bin/deepin-screenshot
- Download the package containing the binaries (BIN)
- Give the execution rights to the binary file: chmod +x DeepinScreenshotGUI.gambas
- Run the binary file double-clicking on it or typing in a terminal: ./DeepinScreenshotGUI.gambas
===== Changelog =====
==== v1.1.0 ====
* Migrated from the old Deepin Scrot to the new Deepin Screenshot.
==== v1.0.0 ====
* First public release
* Possibility to choose between the 3 available capture modes: Fullscreen, Active window and Screen portion
* Possibility to set a waiting time (from 0 up to 120 seconds) before to take the screenshot
* All options (capture mode and waiting time) will be saved and automatically reloaded at application next startup
* Two translations available for the program: English and Italian.
===== Thanks =====
* To [[wp>Gambas]] authors
* To deepin-screenshot coders
* To my girlfriend for her patience