~~Title: Donations ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(donations,paypal,donation,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(Donations) metatag-og:description=(Donations) }} If you liked one of my projects or it has been particularly useful for you and you want to support its development or just thank me, you can do it using the classic method of donation through [[wp>PayPal]] using the following button:
**Note:** if you have any issues using the button above then you can access the PayPal donation page simply by using this link: [[https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=9BG4EEJ24NKEW]] ===== List of received donations ===== With the utmost transparency here you can find the list of all the donations received so far. Please note that only the initials of the name will be used to guarantee the privacy of donors. Also, please note that the list is not updated automatically in real time, so it may take some time before your specific donation appears in the list, so please do not worry if it does not appear immediately. Finally, of course I offer my very warm thanks to all donors of this list ;) * **M. A.**: 50€ * **B. F.**: 30€ * **M. D.**: 5€ * **V. A.**: 10€ * **F. S.**: 10€ * **D. C.**: 20€ * **F. C.**: 5€ * **G. C.**: 20€ * **J-N. B.**: 10€ * **S. S.**: 20€ * **L.A. M.**: 5€ * **R. C. J.**: 10€ * **E. D.**: 5€ * **G. C.**: 10€ * **D. R.**: 2€ * **J. B.**: 5€ * **M. B.**: 20€ * **D. C.**: 5€ * **Y. P.**: 10€ * **N. C.**: 5€ * **H. C.**: 10€ * **A. I.**: 15€ * **G. S.**: 3€ * **F. S.**: 30€ * **AAE T.C. F**: 10€ * **D. M**: 20€ * **C. F.**: 10€ * **J. M.**: 5€ * **L. E.**: 20€ * **B. S.**: 5€ * **R. P.-E.**: 5€ * **D. W.**: 10€ * **F. F. D.**: 5€ * **V. P.**: 10€ * **C. F.** //(2022-01-05)//: 10€ * **A. W.** //(2022-02-04)//: 25€ * **A. C.** //(2022-02-09)//: 25€ * **S. S.** //(2022-09-16)//: 100€ * **V. P.** //(2024-03-06)//: 10€ * **K. A.** //(2024-08-02)//: 5,54€ * **H. V.** //(2024-09-19)//: 10,71€ * **N. D.** //(2025-01-06)//: 10,71€ * **G. R.** //(2025-01-28)//: 5€ * **rixxxxxxx57** //(2025-02-06)//: 7€