~~Title: FFXIII Manager ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(final fantasy XIII,final fantasy,square enix,linux,unix,gambas,download,ubuntu,aur,archlinux,deb,debianred,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A simple Linux tool to get all info about Final Fantasy XIII weapons and accessories.) metatag-og:description=(A simple Linux tool to get all info about Final Fantasy XIII weapons and accessories.) metatag-media-og:image=(:ffxiii:ffxiiimanager.png) }}
FFXIII Manager | |
{{:ffxiii:ffxiiimanager.png?direct&0x300|Preview}} | Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}} | |
Platforms | |
{{:icons:linux.png?nolink|Linux}} {{:icons:ps3.png?nolink|PlayStation 3}} | |
Download | |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/92m47y0xe8g4z2l/FXIII_Manager_v4.tar.gz?dl=0|v4.0.0 (BIN)]] |
gambas2-runtime, gambas2-gb-gtk,gambas2-gb-qt, gambas2-gb-form
**Note:** //gambas2-gb-qt// is optional, install it only if you need the [[wp>Qt_(software)|QT]] support for [[wp>KDE]].
- Download the package containing the binaries (BIN)
- Give the execution rights to the binary file: chmod +x FFXIII.gambas
- Run the binary file double-clicking on it or typing in a terminal: ./FFXIII.gambas
**Warning:** the **weaponsDB.csv** and **accessoriesDB.csv** files MUST be in the same directory of the ".gambas" file. They contain all data about the FFXIII weapons and accessories. You can edit them translating the English names in your language but __BE CAREFULLY__: you haven't to change the structure of the rows! In other words don't delete any comma and don't edit any number. You should only edit the strings.
===== Changelog =====
==== v4.0.0 ====
* Now the program analyzes nine different components to find the best choise.
* Now the best (cheaper) components choise is written in green for an easier identification.
* Final release?
==== v3.0.0 ====
* Private revision (not public release)
* Now the program will also show the amount and price of components needed to acquire the remaining experience for star level
* Ability to set the multiplier to calculate correctly the amount and price of components needed to acquire the remaining experience for star level
==== v2.0.1 ====
* Some bugfix for multilanguage support.
==== v2.0.0 ====
* Now you can get all info about a accessory too.
* Now you can calculate the remaining experience to star level of an accessory too.
==== v1.0.0 ====
* Initial release
* You can get all info about a weapon
* You can calculate the remaining experience to star level.
===== Thanks =====
* To my girlfriend for her patience.
* To [[wp>Gambas]] creators.