~~Title: FSquirrel ~~
metatag-author=(Red Squirrel)
metatag-keywords=(Fileserve,file,manager,upload,linux,unix,archlinux,debian,deb,aur,ubuntu,gambas,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87)
metatag-description=(A Fileserve.com Manager for Linux written in Gambas)
metatag-og:description=(A Fileserve.com Manager for Linux written in Gambas)
Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}}
Platforms |
Download |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v8dpvvyjwpdd45/FSquirrel_v2_1.zip?dl=0|v2.1 (BIN)]]
**FSquirrel** is a [[http://fileserve.com|Fileserve.com]] Manager for [[wp>Linux]] written in [[wp>gambas]]. It allows you to upload files to your free/premium account, to fetch links from web or other hosts (support for their premium accounts included!), to get your pending WEB/FTP/Remote/Failed files list, to get full direct links from Fileserve.com encrypted ones and to list ALL files contained in a Fileserve.com folder link.
**Warning:** because of the closure of Fileserve.com this program has lost all its usefulness.
===== Changelog =====
==== v2.1 ====
* Fixed the display issue of the links in output box.
==== v2.0 ====
* Fix: because of a change in Fileserve.com servers, the v1.0 could not upload any file anymore. Now it should work again.
==== v1.0 ====
* Possibility to login in your RS Account
* Possibility to upload files in your RS Account
* Possibility to know current file upload ETA, upload progress and current upload speed.
* Possibility to fetch a list of links to your RS Account.
* Possibility to get your pending WEB/FTP/Remote/Failed files list.
* Possibility to get the full direct links from Fileserve.com encrypted links: full links are usefull for remote upload services or to give it to friends without a Premium Account.
* Possibility to list the links of all files contained in a Fileserve.com folder (printing filename and/or filesize too).
===== Premium and Security =====
Some of the program functions requires a Premium Account. The following is a list of all functions of this program and if they require a Premium Account or not:
* Upload file [Does NOT require a Premium Account]
* Fetch file [Does NOT require a Premium Account but a valid login]
* Get pending files list [Does NOT require a Premium Account but a valid login]
* Get full links [Requires a Premium Account]
* List files in the folder [Does NOT require a Premium Account]
This program is secure at 100%. Your login data will be not stealed! When you login in your account through this program a temporary cookie will be created. That cookie will live only for the program execution period: when you close the program cookies will be deleted! In this way you can use this program also in PCs that are not yours.
**Note:** do NOT use the "remember" function if you are not using YOUR PC.
===== Installation =====
- Install the dependencies: gambas2-runtime, gambas2-gb-gtk, gambas2-gb-qt, gambas2-gb-form, gambas2-gb-net, gambas2-gb-desktop, curl
**Note:** //gambas2-gb-qt// is optional, install it only if you need the [[wp>Qt_(software)|QT]] support for [[wp>KDE]].
- Download the package containing the binaries (BIN)
- Give the execution rights to the binary file: chmod +x FSquirrel.gambas
- Run the binary file double-clicking on it or typing in a terminal: ./FSquirrel.gambas
===== Thanks =====
* To Night_Cervant for giving me a Fileserve.com Premium Account and for suggesting me the application's name.
* To my girlfriend for her patience.
* To fileserve for its hosting service.
* To [[wp>gambas]] and [[wp>CURL]] authors.