~~Title: Furx ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(furx,furk.net,furk,linux,unix,archlinux,debian,aur,deb,ubuntu,gambas,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A simple desktop client for Linux dedicated to Furk.net.) metatag-og:description=(A simple desktop client for Linux dedicated to Furk.net.) metatag-media-og:image=(::furx:furx.png) }}
Furx | |
{{::furx:furx.png?direct&350|Preview}} | Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}} | |
Platforms | |
{{:icons:linux.png?nolink|Linux}} | |
Download | |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://bitbucket.org/Red_Squirrel/furx/downloads/Furx_1.0-1_bin.tar.gz|v1.0 (BIN)]] |
gambas3-gb-image, gambas3-gb-settings, gambas3-gb-desktop, gambas3-runtime, gambas3-gb-gtk, gambas3-gb-qt4, gambas3-gb-form, gambas3-gb-net, gambas3-gb-net-curl, gambas3-gb-web
**Note:** //gambas3-gb-qt4// is optional, install it only if you need the [[wp>Qt_(software)|QT]] support for [[wp>KDE]].
- Download the package containing the binaries (BIN)
- Give the execution rights to the binary file: chmod +x Furx.gambas
- Run the binary file double-clicking on it or typing in a terminal: ./Furx.gambas
===== Known Bugs =====
Unfortunately, due to some bugs in the Furk.net APIs the functions for creating new accounts and editing the parameters of feed subscriptions DON'T work currently.\\ I have already reported these bugs to Furk.net APIs maintainers so as soon as they fix them these functions should return to work.
===== Bugs, Issues, Enhancements and Proposals =====
You can report any bugs or issues, as well as suggestions for enhancements and proposals, using the [[https://bitbucket.org/Red_Squirrel/furx/issues|project's official page on BitBucket]].
===== Changelog =====
==== v1.0 ====
* First public release
* Possibility to login in your own account
* Possibility to view in an organized gridview all the files in your account, the active downloads and feed subscriptions
* Possibility to protect/unprotect your files (Premium account required)
* Possibility to download your files through your default web browser, an internal downloader (based on curl) or to copy the direct download link so as using it with your preferred downloader (such as jDownloader etc...)
* Possibility to delete any file from your account
* Possibility to get the download speed (down and up) of your active torrents
* Possibility to cancel an active download
* Possibility to reset/restart any feed subscriptions
* Possibility to edit your feed subscriptions parameters (read below the Known Bugs!)
* Possibility to cancel a feed subscription
* Possibility to view info about your own user account
* Possibility to add new torrents through all the 3 available ways: uploading a .torrent file, inserting a direct URL of an online .torrent file or inserting the info_hash of a known torrent
* Possibility to add new feed subscriptions (all available options included)
* Possibility to view detailed info about video file (bitrate, resolution, etc...)
* Possibility to store your login data so as they will be auto-loaded at next startup
* Used the latest version of Gambas development environment (3.3.4).\\ **Warning:** Ubuntu and derivates users will have to add a new repository before installing the DEB package. Read below for more detailed explanations.
===== Thanks =====
* To [[wp>gambas]] creators.
* To Furk.net for its great service and APIs.
* To my girlfriend for her patience.