~~Title: Lockscreen Preview Maker ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(psvita,psv,playstation,lock,screen,lockscreen,screenshot,java,windows,linux,mac,unix,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A simple JAVA tool to generate a preview image for the lockscreen of a PSVita custom theme) metatag-og:description=(A simple JAVA tool to generate a preview image for the lockscreen of a PSVita custom theme) metatag-media-og:image=(:lpm:01.png) }}
Lockscreen Preview Maker | ||
Status | Platforms | Download |
{{:icons:active.png?nolink|Active}}\\ Active | {{:icons:java.png?nolink|JAVA}} {{:icons:psvita.png?nolink|PlayStation Vita (PSVita/PSV)}} | [[{|max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; height: 50px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/ppf21z7l0e4kxf1/LPM.zip?dl=1|Lockscreen Preview Maker\\ v1.0]] |
java -jar LPM.jar
===== Screenshots =====
Here below you can find some screenshots of the program (click on them to see the full-size image):
===== Differences between originals and generated =====
Here below you can find examples showing some lockscreen previews generated with this program (the first one) compared to the screenshots taken from PSVita (the second one):