~~Title: Opening.bnr Extractor ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(Opening.bnr Extractor,bnr,Extractor,nintendo,nintendo wii,wii,homebrew,iso,microsoft,windows,net,framework,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A little tool for Windows to extract only the opening.bnr from a Wii ISO game in just a moment!) metatag-og:description=(A little tool for Windows to extract only the opening.bnr from a Wii ISO game in just a moment!) metatag-media-og:image=(::obe:obe.png) }}
Opening.bnr Extractor | |
{{::obe:obe.png?direct|Preview}} | Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}} | |
Platforms | |
{{:icons:wii.png?nolink|Nintendo Wii}} {{:icons:windows.png?nolink|Microsoft Windows}} | |
Download | |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/j1rz8p56cjl8dir/OBEv2.rar?dl=0|v2.0]] |
obe.exe "C:/ISO/myiso.iso" "C:/mydocuments/subfolder/subsubfolder/opening31.bnr"
That's all! :)
**Note:** I inserted in the package also a minimal GUI (coded in VB.NET) to use with the obe.exe. Use it if you want or create your own ;)
===== Mini-FAQ =====
* //It requires other tools (some others DLL or the .NET Frameworks)?//\\ The EXE itself no. But maybe theghost.exe would require the .NET Framework (I can't test without it because all my PCs are full of NET Frameworks :-D). If you get an error then install .NET Frameworks ;-) \\ \\
* //Can i use obe.exe in my personal (WBFS) GUI and then diffuse it in Internet?//\\ Yes, you can with no problem.
===== Thanks =====
* To Nanook for his big help!
* To my girlfriend for her patience.