~~Title: Quickest Exit ~~
metatag-author=(Red Squirrel)
metatag-keywords=(Quickest Exit,quickest,exit,plugin,plugins,homebrew,psp,playstation,playstation portable,sony,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87)
metatag-description=(A very simple plugin to enable the quickest exit from the game or homebrew.)
metatag-og:description=(A very simple plugin to enable the quickest exit from the game or homebrew.)
Quickest Exit
Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}}
Platforms |
{{:icons:psp.png?nolink|PlayStation Portable (PSP)}}
Download |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/uevcduowe5ekwca/Quickest%20Exit%20v2.rar?dl=0|v2.0]]
**Quickest Exit** is a very simple [[wp>PSP]] plugin to enable the quickest exit from any game or homebrew. In fact, if you enable this plugin, when you press the **HOME** button for some moments during a game or homebrew the PSP will return to dashboard immediately, with a great time profit. If you press **L+HOME** the PSP will switch off. Finally, if you press **R+HOME** the PSP will go in standby mode.
===== Changelog =====
==== v2.0 ====
* Reinserted the HOME menu: now the PSP will return to dashboard ONLY if the HOME button is pressed for some moments, allowing users to use the standard HOME menu.
==== v1.0 ====
* HOME menu substitution with the quick exit (when you press HOME, the PSP will return to Dashboard immediately!).
* Possibility to switch off and to put in standby mode the PSP with the combination of L and R with HOME button.
===== Installation =====
**If no plugin is already installed:**
* Copy the SEPLUGINS folder (contained in the package) in the root of your Memory Stick.
**If other plugins are installed:**
* Copy the //QuickExit.prx// in the SEPLUGIN folder of your Memory Stick.
* Open //SEPLUGINS/GAME.txt// and //SEPLUGINS/GAME150.txt// and add this line to the files: ms0:/SEPLUGINS/QuickExit.prx
**Note:** after the installation you have to activate the plugin from Recovery Menu!