~~Title: SensMe XMB Installer ~~
metatag-author=(Red Squirrel)
metatag-keywords=(sensme,xmb,installer,plugin,plugins,homebrew,psp,playstation,playstation portable,sony,custom,firmware,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87)
metatag-description=(A simple PSP homebrew that installs the SensMe icon under the Music menu in your CF 5.00M33 XMB.)
metatag-og:description=(A simple PSP homebrew that installs the SensMe icon under the Music menu in your CF 5.00M33 XMB.)
SensMe XMB Installer
Status |
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}}
Platforms |
{{:icons:psp.png?nolink|PlayStation Portable (PSP)}}
Download |
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5oykhdjfyo2n2l/SensMe%20XMB%20Installer%20V1.0.rar?dl=0|v1.0]]
**SensMe XMB Installer** is a simple [[wp>PSP]] homebrew that installs the [[wp>SensMe]] icon under the Music menu in your CF 5.00M33 XMB.\\
This tool is based on [[M33-Prometheus Installer]] but now I inserted a [[wp>Custom Firmware|CF]] version recognition function and a new function to test the Flash0 access BEFORE to write anything in it. These will avoid many brick cases.
===== Notes =====
* If you use the KHBBS plugin remember to disable it before to use this program, otherwise it can't write files in flashs correctly.
* Be carefull to use this tool because (if something goes wrong!) it could brick your PSP!
* The Go!Messenger will be deleted from your XMB! (It has been replaced by SensMe Channels)
* The program recognizes the CF version, so it can be used only in CF 5.00M33.
===== Installation =====
Simply copy the attached **PSP** folder in your Memory Stick root.
**Tested with:**
* PSP-Phat (TA-082)
* PSP-Slim (TA-088v1)
===== Thanks =====
* To hirmfaxi for SensMe Channels "hack".
* To Dark_Alex for his CF and VLF libraries.
* To Giadej for the idea and the edited prx/rco files.
* To my girlfriend for her patience.