~~Title: Share That! ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(share,that,share that!,nintendo,switch,nintendo switch,ifttt,IFTTT,screenshot,video,homebrew,libnx,devkitpro,c,custom,firmware,imgur,twitter,facebook,instagram,discord,google,dropbox,telegram,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A homebrew app for Nintendo Switch that let you to share any screenshot or video using any IFTTT applet directly from the console) metatag-og:description=(A homebrew app for Nintendo Switch that let you to share any screenshot or video using any IFTTT applet directly from the console) metatag-media-og:image=() }}
Share That!
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{{:icons:active.png?nolink|Active}}\\ Active {{:icons:switch.png?nolink|Nintendo Switch}} [[{|max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px; height: 50px; color: #333; font-weight: bold;}http://|Share That!\\ v1.0.0]]
**Share That!** is a homebrew app for [[wp>Nintendo Switch]] that let you to share any screenshot or video (taken with the official function of your console) using any [[wp>IFTTT]] applet.\\ This means that you can share the screenshot/video with any online service that is supported by IFTTT, such as Twitter and Facebook Pages but also with hundreds of other services, such as Telegram, Discord, Android, Pushbullet, Amazon/Google/One Drive, Dropbox, Blogger, Line, Flickr, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Wordpress, Tumblr, etc... {{INLINETOC width18 2-3}} ===== How it works ===== The program works by triggering the [[https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks|webhook]] applet of your IFTTT account, passing 2 values to it: - A custom message/caption for your image/video (**{Value1}** in IFTTT applets) - The image/video URL (**{Value2}** in IFTTT applets) Please note that since IFTTT only accepts an URL for the image/video file, the program will upload it on [[wp>Imgur]] before passing it to IFTTT, so you'll get also an Imgur link to your media file. ===== Installation ===== Just extract the ZIP package of the program you can download here above and copy the **switch** folder in the root of your MicroSD, then you can launch it using [[https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbmenu|Homebrew Menu]]. **Important notes:** * Do not run the application in applet mode (for example by launching it from SXOS homebrew loader in the album menu) because the function to call the system keyboard does not seem to work while the program is in applet mode and so you won't be able to attach any message/caption to your image/video when sharing it. The correct way to launch the program is by using [[https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbmenu|Homebrew Menu]] in full memory mode (keep pressed R trigger while launching any installed game). * You need to edit the attached **config.txt** file by inserting the requested data from your //Imgur// and //IFTTT// accounts. Please read the //Configuration// section below to find instructions about how to edit it properly. ===== Configuration ===== The program will read configuration data from a config.txt file that must be inserted in the same folder of the app's executable (the .nro file). The configuration must be a JSON string like the following: {{ :sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-19_41-10.png?direct |}} Please note that the config.txt file must contain a valid JSON string otherwise the program will fail to load any param from it! You can use any JSON validator tool you can easily find online, for example [[https://jsonlint.com/]], to check if there are errors in its structure. You have to insert only 3 things in this config file: a valid Imgur **client_id**, a valid IFTTT **webhook key** and of course the **event name** of your IFTTT applets. Now let's see how to get them: ==== Imgur Client ID ==== First of all you need to register an account on //Imgur// website, if you don't have one already. So just go to [[https://imgur.com/register]] and follow the instructions to create a free account. Once you have a working registered account and you have logged in, go to [[https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient]] and you'll should get a similar form (click on the image to open it at full size): {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_08-45_1_.png?direct&400|}} * In "Application name:" just insert any name you want. * In "Authorization type:" choose the "Anonymous usage without user authorization" option * In "Authorization callback URL:" just insert a "/" character * In "Application website" don't insert anything, it's an optional field * In "Email" just insert your email * In "Description" don't insert anything Complete the [[wp>reCAPTCHA]] at the bottom of the page and click on the **Sumbit** button. You'll get a similar screen: {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_13-14_1_.png?direct&400|}} Now just copy the Client ID string from the page and past it in the config.txt file near the **imgur_client_id** field, replacing the **[insert_client_id]** string.\\ For this example I'll use **xxXxxXXxxxXx** ==== Webhooks Key ==== First of all you need an //IFTTT// account. So just go to [[https://ifttt.com/join]] and create a personal account (it's totally free). Once you have an account, you need to go to [[https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks]] and click on the "Documentation" button you can find below your user pic (note: the button will appear only if you're logged in correctly): {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_36-41_1_.png?direct&400|}} Now you should get a similar page: {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_39-18_1_.png?direct&400|}} As you can easily imagine the webhooks key you need is indeed the string near "Your key is:" at the top of the page. Just copy it and paste it inside the config.txt file replacing the **[insert_key]** string near the "webhooks_key" string.\\ For this example I'll use **xXxxxxXXxxXXxxXxx_xxxXxXXXx_xXx** ==== IFTTT Applets event name ==== And now it's time to create your personal //IFTTT// applets. Of course I will not explain how to create applets for all the existing services (since there are hundreds of possibilities), but I'll explain the procedure for a generic one, after all the procedure it's very similar for all of them.\\ For this example I'll create a //Twitter// applet so as to share my screenshots on my Twitter account with the app. * First of all go to [[https://ifttt.com/create]] and click on "//This//" word:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_50-07_1_.png?direct&400|}} * Since the "trigger" by the program is always a webhook, in this page you'll have to choose the //webhooks// service for every applet you want to use with the program:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_54-45_1_.png?direct&400|}} * For the webhooks service there are no options other than "Receive a web request", so just click on it:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_56-26_1_.png?direct&400|}} * Now the important part: in this new page you have to enter the event name for your webhook call. This param will be inserted in the config.txt file so keep it simple and remember it. In this example I'll use a very clear and simple **switch_twitter** event name:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_58-49_1_.png?direct&400|}} * By clicking on the "Create Trigger" button you'll return to the main page but now you can click on the "That" word, so just do it:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-13_59-17_1_.png?direct&400|}} * In the next page you can find any supported service you want to use. I'll go for //Twitter//:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-14_00-21_1_.png?direct&400|}} * The procedure to connect your Twitter account with IFTTT will now begin, just follow the instructions on screen and give to IFTTT the authorization to send tweet at your Twitter account. * The next page with list all the applets available for the service you chose, in this case for Twitter there are many possibilities:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-14_00-59_1_.png?direct&400|}} * Since my wish is to share an image, I'll choose the "Post a tweet with an image" option. * Now you have to set the params to create your tweet. Since we are using the webhooks service as trigger, in the "Add ingredient" menu you will find 5 different options: //Event Name//, //Value1//, //Value2//, //Value3// and //OccurredAt//. Always remember that //Value1// is the message/caption you'll write inside the program and //Value2// is the image/video URL the program will pass to the trigger. The //Value3// is currently unused, so it will be always empty. //Event Name// is of course the name you gave in the webhooks configuration page and //OccurredAt// will be the timestamp when the trigger will be called by the program.\\ So, to configure my Twitter scheme I will use only //Value1// and //Value2// (the attached message, if any, and the image URL). So in the "Tweet text" textarea I'll remove all the default text and by clicking on the "Add ingredient" button I'll add only the //Value1// option, while in the "Image URL" textbox I'll add the //Value2// option by clicking on the "Add ingredient" button below it. I'll get a final result like in this image:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-14_08-15_1_.png?direct&400|}} * Once clicked on the "Create action" button I'll get a little recap:\\ {{:sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-14_09-14_1_.png?direct&400|}} * In this last page I usually remove the check on the "Receive notifications when this Applet runs" since I don't want to receive a notification every time the applet run, but if you want to get it just keep it checked. Click on the "Finish" button and it's done! Now it's time to add the applet to the configuration file of the program. To do that just insert a new JSON object inside the "applets" array, for example in this case I'll insert the following: {"title" : "Share image on Twitter", "event_name" : "switch_twitter"} where for "title" I'll use a custom string that will let me to identify the applet inside the program (in this example **Share image on Twitter**) and in the "event_name" field i'll insert the event name I used when I created the webhook trigger on IFTTT (so in this example it's **switch_twitter**). If there are already other applets in the config.txt file please remember to insert a comma "," between the JSON objects. ==== config.txt ==== And so at the end of the above steps, my configuration file (config.txt) will look this way: {{ :sharethat:photo6030367373778858452-2020-04-07-15_14-31_1_.png?direct |}} Now just insert the config.txt file in the same folder where is the main executable of the program (the .nro file) and it's done! ===== Screenshots ===== {{:sharethat:photo6034038896507071510.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6033898249213029396.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6034160938002787347.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6036132499790343196.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6033835173323320325.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6036041914635103208.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6036336235858996240.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6034086592118893651.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6033869971148352602.jpg?300|}} {{:sharethat:photo6034086235636607992.jpg?300|}} ===== Thanks ===== * To [[https://devkitpro.org/|devkitPro]] authors and maintainers. * To [[https://switchbrew.org/wiki/Main_Page|SwitchBrew]] wiki authors and maintainers. * To users who support me and my projects with their [[donate|donations]]. * To my girlfriend for her infinite patience despite all the time I take away from her to devote myself to this hobby.