~~Title: Trophies Remover ~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-author=(Red Squirrel) metatag-keywords=(psvita,psv,playstation vita,playstation,sony,homebrew,trophy,trophies,trofei,platinum,platino,remove,delete,erase,clean,red,squirrel,red squirrel,redsquirrel87) metatag-description=(A very simple application for PSVita to remove local trophies data for any game.) metatag-og:description=(A very simple application for PSVita to remove local trophies data for any game.) metatag-media-og:image=(:trpremover:2018-09-25-183234.jpg) }}
Trophies Remover
{{:trpremover:2018-09-25-183234.jpg?350|Preview}} Status
[[project-discontinued|Discontinued]] {{:icons:discontinued.png?nolink|Discontinued}}
{{:icons:psvita.png?nolink|PlayStation Vita (PSVita/PSV)}}
[[{:wiki:download.png|width: 150px; color: #41a1b1; font-weight: bold;}http://|Coming soon]]
**Trophies Remover** is a very simple application for PSVita to remove all the local trophies data for any game you have started on your PSVita system.\\ The real purpose of this application is very limited and this is also the reason why I had never felt the need to share it. However, since I now use less and less my PSVita, I decided to publish it so as to add it to my projects log and who know, maybe it could also be useful to someone else in the end xD Please note and remember that ONLY trophies you have not already synchronized with PSN can be "really" removed, the others (those ones you have already synchronized with PSN), even if they can be removed locally, will never disappear from your online PSN profile and will appear again in your PSVita as soon as you proceed with the online synchronization with PSN! {{INLINETOC width18 2-3}} ===== Purpose ===== So, what is the meaning of removing earned trophies? Well, essentially removing the local trophies data of a game can be useful only when: * You're using your main PSN account with your PSVita * You're still actively using the trophies synchronization feature of your PSVita * You have not synchronized them with the PSN yet And specifically for the following cases: * When you want to play only-digital games coming from PSStore of other regions. Since the PSVita does not support the multi-account, showing that you earned trophies for those games would therefore cause inconsistency with the region of the PSN account you are using, clearly revealing the irregularity of the thing. * When you played those DEMO games that allow you to unlock the trophies locally but you can not synchronize them until you buy the full version of the game (for example //Z-Run//, //Starlight Inception//, etc...). * When you want to just try some shameful/silly game but you do not want to "dirty" your online PSN account with its trophies. * When you're using cheats in a game and this causes the unlock of any wrong trophy that would give you a ban from the various online leaderboards. * When you are a trophy hunter and you tries a game but maybe you can't/do not want to waste your time aiming for the 100% of its available trophies and at the same time you do not want a non-complete game to appear in your online PSN profile. And maybe other reasons I can't think at the moment.\\ So, yeah, essentially they are just "aesthetic" matters, in other words this application is useful when you messed up your trophies list and you want to clean up it before synchronizing it with PSN so as to avoid that the world would discover the mess that you made locally with your PSVita xD **Note:** yes, it's true that you can get the same result simply by "hiding" the games from the specific privacy feature of your PSN profile. With this application, however, the trophies will be removed completely and they will not even appear locally on your PSVita (unlike the "official" method of hiding the games that instead keeps them visible locally even if they do not appear on the online profile). ===== Features ===== * Ability to remove the trophies data for any game you have started on the PSVita. * Ability to restore the trophies data for any game you have previously removed with the app. * Convenient list that will show you directly the title of the games (so no need to search for the NP id of the trophies folder manually). * The program will automatically warn you about the games not yet synchronized with PSN. ===== Installation ===== The application is provided in the VPK format so it can be easily installed thanks to [[http://henkaku.xyz/|Henkaku]]/[[https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/h-encore|h-encore]] and [[https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/VitaShell/releases|VitaShell]]. ===== Screenshots ===== Here you can find some screenshots of this app and its features (click on them to see the full size): {{:trpremover:2018-09-25-183243.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-25-183248.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-25-183257.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-25-183302.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-26-113311.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-26-113331.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-26-113247.jpg?direct&200|}} {{:trpremover:2018-09-26-113509.jpg?direct&200|}}