Table of Contents

Custom Themes Manager
Preview Status
Active Active
PlayStation Vita (PSVita/PSV)
v4.02 (VPK)

Custom Themes Manager is a simple application for PlayStation Vita that allows you, as the name implies, to fully manage your Custom Themes direcly from the console. The user can browse, view, download and install Custom Themes from the online repository of on his PSVita directly from the same application, without the need to use the Internet Browser, external apps or mods to the database or to connect the console to a PC. This application also includes a function to completely uninstall any Custom Theme you don't like anymore so as to free up space for new themes, again without the need of a PC or having to format the whole Memory Card. Included also other useful features, such as: installing a Custom Theme from a local folder of your Memory Card, creating and restoring (in case you need) a backup of your own database (app.db file), dumping an official theme to a local folder, checking for updates available for any Custom Theme in the online repository, applying a theme without the need to go in the Settings app manually or choosing what partition to use to install the Custom Themes files. Finally, the application also includes a handy function to reboot your PSVita, saving you the trouble to manually shutdown and restart it, useful to correctly apply changes and avoid any bug after Custom Theme(s) installation or uninstallation.

Table of Contents


Here you can find some screenshots of this app and its features (click on them to see the full size):


The application is provided in the VPK format so it can be easily installed thanks to Henkaku/h-encore and VitaShell.

Important note: starting with Henkaku R7 to install and use this homebrew you need to enable the option for “unsafe homebrew” inside the Henkaku new settings menu. This is necessary because this homebrew needs to access and write in to the PSVita database (located at ur0:shell/db/app.db) to install and delete custom themes. And for the Henkaku new policies all the homebrews that have access to partitions different from ux0:data, app0: and savedata0: are considered “unsafe”.

To do that just go into Settings and choose the voice HENkaku Settings:

Now just enable the option Enable Unsafe Homebrew:

To apply changes you need to reboot your PSVita by choosing the Reboot device option from the same menu:


Starting from v3.00 you can translate the application in your favorite language! Just download the default strings file from here, edit it by translating the strings in your favorite language and then put it in the root of the Memory Card (so at the address ux0:ctm.txt). The program at startup will search for this file and will load its strings from there.

Importing preview images

Starting from v4.00 you can download from PC all the preview images of the online repository and import them in the application's cache, so as to speed up the navigation in the repository menu from the app and avoid to download hundreds of images files individually from the application. All you need to do is:

  1. Unrar the archive on your PC
  2. Move the ctm folder (that was inside the RAR package) on your PSVita Memory Card in the ux0 partition, so as to have the path ux0:ctm
  3. Run Custom Themes Manager from your PSVita
  4. Go into the “Download and install a new Custom Theme from the online repository” menu
  5. Now press L+START to start importing all the files

The procedure will take a long time (there are more than a thousand files to move!).

Bugs, Issues, Enhancements and Proposals

You can report any bugs or issues, as well as suggestions for enhancements and proposals, using the project's official page on BitBucket.

Important notes:





First of all, let me to apologize with you: this v4.00 was ready since the introduction of the validation score in the online repository (this means since the end of October ^^') but unfortunately for several reasons and omissions on my part it has remained in oblivion until today. In the last months, then, I noticed again a significant increasement of the interest for custom themes (certainly due to the release of h-encore) in the online repository and so I remembered that there still was this v4.00 to be released and, well, what better time to release it if not now? And so here we are xD

Because it's been a long time since when I introduced the various changes, there may be something else I do not remember now, so please consider the following list just as a “summary” indication of the major new features in this v4.00 and have fun exploring the app to discover the other minor new features:


Since this time the changelog is very copious, I decided to split it based on the 4 main menus of the program: online repository, local installation, uninstallation and DB/cache cleaning/backup.

Online repository menu:

Local installation menu:

Uninstallation menu:

Cleaning/backup menu:


Finally, you can find some screenshots that show some of the new features introduced in this v3.00 (click on them to see them at full size):


