Eden (formerly MangaEden.com) Batch Downloader is a simple multiplatform tool to download in batch manga chapters from MangaEden.com.
Starting from v5.0 the program has a command line mode!
To start the program in command line mode you have to launch it from a terminal using the following simple syntax:
java -jar EdenBatchDownloader.jar -c EBD.xml
The option -c brings the program to start the command line mode. EBD.xml is the config file with all parameters needed for the download process.
But how to create a valid EBD.xml? Well, you have 2 possible ways available:
Using the program in the normal graphical mode: it is the most easy and suitable for beginners way, simply set everything in program as you want it (from Edit → Settings), open any manga you want and select from the list the chapters you want to download. In the end, instead of clicking on the button to start the download, go into the File menu and you'll can find the option Export to XML.
Using it the program will ask you where to save a EBD.xml file ready to be imported and used in command line mode!
Using the following template editing it according to your choices:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE preferences SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/preferences.dtd">
<preferences EXTERNAL_XML_VERSION="1.0">
<root type="user">
<node name="EdenBatchDownloader">
<entry key="CHAPTERS" value="12,13,15,22,53,54,55,60"/>
<entry key="MODE" value="PDF"/>
<entry key="OUTPUT" value="/home/redsquirrel"/>
<entry key="PDFQ" value="9"/>
<entry key="SINGLE" value="0"/>
<entry key="URL" value="http://www.mangaeden.com/it-manga/one-piece"/>
The parameters you have to change are those indicated as key of which you have to replace the value in the corresponding entry value. Be careful to edit only them otherwise you will get a corrupted XML that will not be imported by the program.
The purpose of each key is deducible, but here below you can find a detailed explanation for each of them:
Important: you have NOT to insert the chapter's number, you have to insert the index of the chapter into the list on website!
To understand this better here's a picture that explains what are the indices (click on image to view full size):

As you can see the red numbers on the left indicate the indexes that you have to enter to download the corrisponding chapter on the right.
Note: I have not added support for the chapter's number simply because they do not really reflect the position of the chapter! Let's do a simple example: in a manga there could be a chapter 0 (zero) or a chapter 1.5 or even a double chapter 2… in all these cases the chapter 3 will not really be in position 3 because before it there are more than two chapters!
Note: if this parameter is missing or has a not allowed value then the program will use the default value that is CBZ.
Note: if this parameter is missing then the program will use the default value that is the current working directory.
Note: if this parameter is missing or has a not allowed value then the program will use the default value that is 9.
Note: if this parameter is missing or has a not allowed value then the program will use the default value that is 0.
In this field you have to insert the main
URL address of the manga you want to download from MangaEden.com
Completely rewritten from scratch the source code of the program: all functions have been completely rewritten from scratch in a more efficiently and interconnected way, so as to ensure a more correct and clean esecution for the program.
Updated the interface of the program: in addition to the source code also the
GUI has been updated and improved, often starting from scratch even here.
Wider use of threads to avoid freezes of the main window of the program starting from the acquisition of the manga's ID
Fixed a bug in the loading manga dialog that if any
URL in the recents was too long then it brought the dialog window to resize horizontally, sometimes even beyond the limits of the screen.
Program's title no longer variable: now a text string has been included in the main window that will have precisely the task of notifying the progress of ongoing operations.
Fixed a bug in the previous version that brought the program to crash if you select all the available chapters of a manga to download.
Added an advanced error handling function: now, unless a serious error that does not allow physically to continue with the download process, all the pages and/or chapters that return any download error will be automatically skipped by program that will continue the download process until the end anyway. The full and detailed list of the pages/chapters that have given an error will then be notified to the user after the completion of the download process.
Added, in the main window, also detailed information about the loaded manga: in addition to the cover of past versions now will be also displayed the description, the date of the last update and the current state of the manga exactly as reported by the website itself.
Added in the Settings an option to change the theme used by the program by choosing from one of those installed in your JVM.
Now the main window of the program is resizable: in this way you can now set it to full screen to fit any screen/resolution.
Added an advanced confirmation dialog for export in XML function.
Completely rewritten the command line functions. For more information about this feature, please refer to the detailed tutorial you can find
Completely rewritten the CBZ/PDF compression function: in the previous versions the program downloaded images, wrote them to disk and only later compressed them in CBZ or PDF, finally deleting the downloaded pictures. Now everything is done in RAM, which means that now the program downloads the image and writes them to disk already compressed, so it skips several steps in comparison to the previous procedure. This should bring a substantial efficiency gain for the whole process.
Removed the option for deleting downloaded images after the compression: for the reason said above, images are now written to disk already compressed, so there are no temporary files to delete later making this option totally useless now.
Changed the Settings window by removing the options that are no longer needed and adding the new ones.
Recompiled the program using JAVA 6: since I have rewritten all the functions of the program I decided to compile it using the old JAVA 6 this time, to fulfill the desire of those who wanted to use the program on older PCs where is still installed the old and most widespread version of the JVM.
Dropped the use of an external library for CBZ compression: now the program uses the official functions of JAVA for ZIP compression of images.
Automatic search for new program's updates at startup
Various improvements and changes that at the time of writing this changelog I forgot.
Important note: since v6.0 suffered of a total rewrite of much of the program's functions, surely there could be bugs that are entirely new. I therefore ask you to be patient if you get any of them and please report them immediately through the official project page on BitBucket you can find HERE, thank you.
Program completely rewritten from scratch.
Changed the programming language from Gambas to JAVA: in this way the program is now bootable and compatible with all Operating Systems on which there is a JVM, whether they are Windows, Linux or Mac.
The program now uses the specific APIs provided by MangaEden.com: this means that there will be better chances in the future that the program will remain compatible with the site even after updates to its
HTML code.
Now the program will download the pages of manga one by one: in fact after the change of server MangaEden.com has disabled the feature to download their manga directly in CBZ. Because of this change in policy you can NOT use older versions of this program.
Removed the need for login: thanks to the
API and the new method of downloading page by page you no longer need to login to download mangas from the site.
Added an internal function to compress the downloaded chapters in CBZ.
Added an internal function to delete the pages of the downloaded chapters after they have been compressed in CBZ (due to a bug in JAVA this feature is NOT available under Windows!)
Added settings where the user can choose the output folder, to compress downloaded chapters in CBZ and to delete the downloaded chapter's pages after compression.
Just like the old versions of the program all the settings will be saved and reloaded automatically at the next startup.
Added the possibility to abort at any time the download process.
Added a second progress bar to notify the user of the total state of the download process.
Minimal dependencies: now the program only requires the JRE, no other external tool or dependence.
Added a startup check for necessary JAVA libraries.
For Windows users: I converted the JAR in a simple and convenient EXE ready to be launched.
Removed the Italian translation for the program.
Final note about v3.0: as said before, because of the new policy adopted by Mangaeden.com, it is no longer possible to download the manga directly in CBZ from the site. For this reason I had to opt for the manual download page by page. Unfortunately, as you can easily imagine, this means that whereas in past versions there was only one thing to do (download the CBZ file) now the process becomes longer and more complex (request to the APIs of the pages in the chapter → download of each page → eventual compression CBZ → eventual elimination of downloaded pages) which requires much longer time. So please be patient and be ready to wait longer.