
Pandora Toolkit
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Discontinued Discontinued
PlayStation Portable (PSP)

Pandora Toolkit is a simple homebrew for all the PSP powered by Custom Firmware, which allows to do necessary operations in order to create a Pandora kit, useful to unbrick/downgrade any kind of console (except the new PSP-3000 and the PSP-2000 with TA-088v3 motherboard).
This application derives form Hellcat's Pandora Installer 3.xx. Credits for the original code go to him.



Program's functions

Install “Despertar del Cementerio”:

It allows to launch directly the file "DDC.PBP" from the homebrew.
The DDC.PBP eboot contained in this version is the official installer of Dark_Alex's "Despertar del Cementerio v7" (the lastest version).

Pandorize Battery:

It allows to turn a Pandorized battery in a normal one. (to start any PSP whithout a Memory Stick cointaining DDC)

Resolve issues with FAKE Memory Stick:

It allows to solve problems of some FAKE Memory Stick with the IPL install.
Trought this process the app will re-allocate for good the MS and will format it too.
/!\ WARNING /!\ : all data in the Memory Stick will be erased. Forever.

Detect motherboard model:

It allows to detect the type of mother board installed in your PSP.
In this way you'll be able to understand if you can pandorize your battery or not (note: it is possible to do that only on mother board models previous to the "TA-085 v2" one)


Shows the hombrew's credits.


Exit and return to dashboard.